
Tart Treats, part 2

The second tart treat I've been excited about is the LEMON POSSET. Lemon posset is not so popular here in the states, but it is a pretty common offering in British restaurants. I had my first posset at The Warehous Cafe in Birmingham England.

Posset or Poshotte was, from Medieval times, a hot drink of milk curdled with wine or ale. The modern lemon posset is a smooth, creamy cold custard similar to a panna cotta. By default it is a citrus dessert because the acid in lemon juice is the component that sets (curdles) the custard. There is no egg yolk, nor gelatin at all but simply lemon juice. I suppose you can try the recipe with orange juice, wine, and even vinegar to achieve the flavor you want.

The posset I prepared is Lemon Posset with raspberry gelee.

The methodology is simple...extremely simple.

The Lemon Posset:

300 ml heavy cream
70 g sugar
2-3 T lemon juice

In a sauce pan bring cream to the boil. Keep boiling for about 3 minutes
Remove from heat and add lemon juice, add more juice to adjust desired tartness
Cool at room temp for about 5 minutes
Place in cups or glasses and in the cooler to set.

I made mine with a layer of raspberry gelee which is optional.

The result is a tart, creamy dessert.

Lemon Posset over Raspberry gelee.

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